This is an offline map viewer which is much loved of many trekkers and backcountry hikers. This app allows the user to simply come across an area you want to hoard and download the map to offline mode. The app works very fine as an offline GPS logger additionally, so you can trace your way flipside to points of interest.
Other standout features of this app include:
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· Assistance for offline geocaching
· Support for Bluetooth GPS
· Google street outlook
· Support for Groundspeak PocketQuery
· service of Parking
· 39 varieties of online maps (Online maps including OSM, Google, Yahoo, Bing and VI/Nokia)
OruxMaps app is a map viewer and route logger to facilitate operate in both online and offline modes; the app comprises topographical maps as well. You will require calibrating the online maps with the application, For the app to work in offline mode. However, just the once you have completed so you can do such things as log your tracks or go trekking faraway from the cell towers.
Maverick lets the users to way in maps on phone exclusive of an Internet connection. Maverick will robotically cache all your maps for offline use and has other enormous features including:
· The facility to share an address, GPS brings together map links
· Testimony tracks and waypoints
· Working out trip related figures.
BackCountry Navigator PRO
The BackCountry Navigator presents for android users offline topo maps devoid of the need for cell service. It allows the user to preload aerial photos, road maps and hoard them to your SD card subsequently you can right to use them when you need to go on some GPS exciting activity.
Built in sources include:
· OpenStreetMaps and NASA landsat data worldwide.
· MyTopo.com topo maps of US and Canada.
· USGS Color Aerial photography.
· UK Ordinance Survey Explorer Maps.
· Topographic Maps of Italy and Spain.
· Outside maps of Germany and Austria
· Topo maps of New Zealand